About Us

Gottles, your place to buy upcycled home décor and glassware items made from empty reclaimed glass bottles. Handcrafted in Carson City, NV. Proudly handmade in the USA.

Welcome to Gottles! Thank you for swinging by our website, for your support of our shop and for following us all through these years!

We're a family-owned, "very" small home-based glass upcycling business. We started upcycling glass bottles at a small apartment garage in Lake Tahoe, CA. Our shop is now located in Carson City, NV.

We upcycle, that is all what we do. It is one easy way to reduce our contribution to landfills. We collect empty reclaimed beer, wine, liquor & other glass bottles and repurpose them into useful and eco-friendly home décor and glassware items.

We believe that upcycling glass bottles helps our community divert portion of glass wastes from landfills and reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from glass manufacturers' reproduction plants.


We humbly would like to share to you these handmade upcycled items.


Gottles, LLC

Gottles, LLC